We Need Stories to Memorize

A classic camera is placed on an old photo album with black-white photos.

Time exists because of the story memory technique

As I wrote before, the definition of “time” is not completely settled in physics and philosophy. To be more precise, the existence of time is often an obstacle to prove the laws of physics. Apparently, it is thought to be doubtful in physics. Recently, I read an article by a neuroscientist. It said we felt the existence of time because we memorize as stories all sorts of things that happen in our lives. The story memory technique itself has long been known. The most famous one would be the memory palace method. Although I couldn’t understand even a half of the article unfortunately, it has reinforced one of my beliefs: we need stories to live.

Significant objects

I suppose the famous marketing research “Significant Objects” is an example to show an aspect related to this human nature. It’s an experiment devised by Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn to prove the effect of stories. They bought more than 100 pieces of junks via eBay for about 1 USD apiece; sold them for nearly 8,000 USD in all. What they did for that is to give short stories purpose-written by professional writers. It seems no doubt that there’s a close relation between stories and impression/memory.

For example, at the last moment of our lives, everything is losing its value. Money, status, glory won’t be of no comfort to us anymore, but stories in our memory will. We need stories to live. This belief is the driving force that makes me continue to write stories in this blog like this. I strongly believe stories would be a big help to make people to know about and remember our brand.

Only stories true to life

Previously, I wrote something about the president of our company. He seemed to read it and have no complaints at least so far. Next time I’ll write the historical stories about the company through the profiles of the successive presidents from my personal view point. No worries. It’s not going to be a boring puff piece. If it should be boring, please mourn over me, and make it a lesson to learn the harsh reality of life as an employee in Japan.

A corporate logo, the letters of C and H are combined to look like a tree in a circle

Shungo Ijima

He is travelling around the world. His passion is to explain Japan to the world, from the unique viewpoint accumulated through his career: overseas posting, MBA holder, former official of the Ministry of Finance.