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Marketing Tips
The Secrets Behind Italian and Japanese Craftsmanship
What would you do if the world ends tomorrow? An Italian would answer "I would spend the day with a lover." A Japanese would say "I have to finish my work quickly." This is a popular ethnic joke. The general images of the Italian and Japanese sharply contrast like this, but they have something in common, funnily enough. -
Japanese Culture and Traditions
The Anatomy of Japanese Craftspeople of Swordsmith and Furniture
【Something in common between Japanese knives and furniture】 Just before entering the furniture business, I worked in the fishery industry and often took overseas clients to the biggest fish market in Tokyo. It was now-closed Tsukiji ma... -
Japanese Culture and Traditions
Understanding Japanese Courtesy: Why Saying Less Means More
In terms of ambiguity, I believe Japanese people are second to none in the world. Majority vote is rarely adopted in a company meeting for example. Even company representatives don't like to be seen as imposing their opinions. A consensus, decision, etc. are made ambiguously in most cases.