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Exploring Fear: What Makes Japanese Horror Unique?
【Fear factor: why we love a good scare】 Do you like thrill rides? What about horror movies? Fear is supposed to be an unpleasant feeling, but many people can’t help but want it. As the old saying says “There is no accounting for tastes... -
Really Authentic? Japanese Reaction to Shogun
【】 Have you already watched Shogun? As most of you already know, it’s a very popular TV series about the samurai era on Disney Plus. As a Japanese, I’m proud that it won 18 Golden Globe awards, which was a record high. Of course, it’s ... -
Why Hokkaido’s Winter Wonderland Should Be Your Next Trip
【】 When ice creams sell like hot cakes, many people are drowned. This is a famous example sentence to show the difference between correlation and causation. Yes, as you wise readers know, there is no causation between ice creams and dr... -
Behind the Scenes: Furniture Maker’s Charity Projects
【Debate and volunteering shaped by Japanese culture】 Do you have a debate class as part of school subjects? In Japan, no, never, at least when I was a student, though it’s about 30 years ago. To top it all off, even after entering the ... -
Want to Walk on Clouds? Here’s What You Need to Know
【Walking on the clouds: from New Balance to a sea of clouds】 If you predict from the above title that this article would be about the introduction of New Balance, you must be a big fan of sneakers. Indeed, it is said that Ralph Lauren ... -
Are Windmills Worth the Cost? Let’s Break It Down
【Despite windmills are scenic spots in Spain】 Don Quixote is the most famous Spanish name in Japan. I’m sure the name is known even more than Penelope Cruz. Mind you, that doesn’t mean Japanese people have high cultural standards. Emba... -
Hokkaido Smoked Coffee: You Must Be Curious About It
We are a wooden furniture maker and always trying to reduce the waste of wood, but we can’t make it zero. A large amount of wood chips and dust are produced every day. We collect them in our factory and send them to a coffee roaster in Sapporo, and they smoke their coffee beans. -
Why We Plant Trees in Hokkaido (the Corner of the World)
Why do you think tree planting can give such a positive impression? I think it's probably because it takes a long time for trees to grow, sometimes longer than human life. In other words, we can't plant trees without hope for the future, and this is why tree planting is suitable for happy events to celebrate the beginning of something, such as a wedding, building completion ceremony, etc. -
Do Trade Shows Really Help Businesses Grow?
Why are things going well with Milano Salone? I think one of the primal reasons must be the good environment in Milan in April. Comfortable weather, nice food, beautiful streetscapes, etc. Indeed, it's a trade show, and most people come there for business, but we're not always serious and don't focus only on our jobs. Entertainment is necessary even when we are at work. -
Hidden gems in Hokkaido : To see Drift Ice in Okhotsk coast of HokkaidoÂ
There are so many hidden gems in Hokkaido. You can see beautiful scenery e.g.; lakes, mountains, forest, sea and so on. I would like to share some gems in Hokkaido. 【Drift Ice (Ryuhyo)】 Drift ice along the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido is ...