2021– date –
How to Turn Just-Looking Customers into Buyers
【What is b8ta?】 The epoch-making business was born in the Silicon Valley in 2015. It's b8ta, and finally arrived in Tokyo, Japan last year (2020, but the above image is the shop in another area). Let me explain their business model in ... -
Why Do Names Matter? Understanding Their Importance
【Pet names for cars】 I wrote an article about a name last time, which reminded me of another thing about a name. It's about pet names for cars. Most of the Japanese, American, and British cars have pet names, like Toyota Prius, Chevrol... -
The Hidden Power of Names in Everyday Life
【No-name is real rock!】 I started playing the guitar when I was 15 years old. It was around when NIRVANA started dominating the music scene and destroying the existing values. People made a fuss, saying "Alternative Rock is not tainted... -
Which Is More Rational: To Tidy Up or Leave Things Lying About?
【The scent of the Sun】 I was so surprised when learning that it is prohibited to hang the laundry outside in some places overseas. We, Japanese people really like to hang the laundry under the sun light. Japanese climate of high humidi...