Must-Visit in Japan– category –
Must-visit Museums in Japan: Otsuka Museum of Art and Artizon Museum
What if there's a museum where you can see all the masterpieces of art at a time? Like Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh, Guernica by Pablo Picasso, etc. Of course, I know they are exhibited in different museums in Paris, Tokyo, and Madrid respectively, but there is one such what-if place in Japan. -
Hokkaido Acorn Trees (Oak) Make Good Japanese Whisky and Furniture
Do you know what we used as a point of reference to find stag beetles gather? It's acorns. Yes, it's oak trees where stag beetles are gathered. In Hokkaido, there are many oak trees, and they grow not only stag beetles but also the industry of whisky and furniture. -
What Makes Sapporo the Toughest Market in Japan?
Sapporo, the capital city of Hokkaido, is famous as a place for test marketing. Many businesses test pre-release products because its age structure of population is almost the same as that of the whole country. In addition, the city has no strong characteristics or specific tendency in culture; the people are considered to like new things. Maybe it's because Hokkaido doesn't have a long history, different from other areas in the main land of Japan.