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The Wisdom in Adapting: Why We Shouldn’t Fear Change
What feels psychological pleasure is our ego. It is designed flexible to maintain various human relationships. Consequently, our evaluation criteria in beauty are likely to change. Now people's evaluation criteria in beauty have changed due to environmental consciousness, and so, I hope you will like our furniture made of wood with natural characters as shown in the image of this article. -
Great Expectations Are Hope That the Sun Also Rises
【The wane of the king TOYOTA】 Elon Musk started TESLA in 2003. Only 17 years from then, he finally snatched the world top position from TOYOTA in the total market value. The news made me feel the big change of the times and also someho... -
What Is True Rich Life? Market Principles Are Always Right?
【Furniture making is an endangered business in Japan】 Last month, the Ministry of the Environment announced that a butterfly species (shown in the above image) endemic to Japan might have been extinct. The butterflies inhabited only in... -
How Over-Engineering Problems Slow Down Japanese Businesses
【Using a chainsaw to cut butter】 The above words are a wise saying by Barry Commoner, an American biologist, to express the inefficiency of nuclear power generation. By the way, the topic of this article is not about energy policies; N... -
How a Weak Yen Could Affect Your Wallet
The huge bubble burst in 1991, and the Japanese economy completely collapsed. The era after the bubble burst was once called "lost two decades" but now becomes "three decades". The long and severe domestic competitions force most of us to withdraw from the market. Remaining survivors are companies of real value where people continue to work diligently even at lower wages. Japanese products were thought to be "good but expensive" in the past but nowadays have changed to "good and cheap". There's no reason not to buy Japan (our products) now! -
Why Do We Let Social Divisions Keep Us Apart?
The range of information we access to gets narrower because we can't imagine information we've never known; nor search for such information even on the internet. Making matters worse, the internet only provides information related to our interest. -
A Restaurant Run by People with Dementia
In Tokyo last year opened a unique restaurant. The name is “Restaurant of Mistaken Orders.†All the servers working there are people living with dementia, and they may or may not get your order right. Customers are supposed to accept mistaken orders, considering "This may be good, too." with a big heart. -
The Difference in Production Management Between Ferrari and Toyota
【Production in Ferrari and Toyota】 According to the government, we have experienced the longest economic expansion since after the WWII. There is no doubt that it seems like we ordinary people are left out of the economic boom. Surpris... -
The Hidden Cost of Caring Too Much About Small Issues
In our factory tour, what attracts many people especially coming from overseas are the tools neatly aligned on the walls or shelves. Some people even said "This is a proof of quality!" That may look too detail-oriented and be a factor of low productivity, but taking such small steps would enable us to realize our high-quality furniture production. -
The Good and Evil of the Internet We Should Know
【Google search results vary depending on the person】 Did you know that your Google search results were different from mine even if we use the same search words? You may still believe there are some big general trends in the world, and ...