marketing– tag –
Woodworking experience in Hokkaido
【Wood lathe craftsman in Hokkaido】 The other day, I attended a trila session of wood lathe. It was a rare opportunity to learn from a veteran craftsman, who has 60 years of experience in this field. Until a decade ago, all the legs of ... -
Human Comedy in the White Stitches of Maison Margiela
The brand tag of Maison Margiela is just tacked only in the four corners of the tag, so that customers can remove it easily after purchase. The four tacking stitches can be seen from the outside. Ironically, most of the Japanese customers seem to leave the tag, and accordingly Maison Margiela is sometimes called "the four-point tag" in Japan. -
Is a Dyson Vacuum Worth It? How Is It Unique?
Our life is already sufficiently efficient. Effectiveness or efficiency is no longer an important factor for our purchasing behaviors. Dyson had re-defined vacuum cleaners. We clean up not only for a clean and tidy life but also for catharsis we feel by seeing an action and effect. -
The Secret Behind High Salaries: What You Need to Know
Do you like video games? Me? I have no interest at all. When I was a kid, almost all the classmates had Nintendo Entertainment System, but I didn't. No matter how hard I wished for it, my parents didn't give the nod. Alternatively, I sometimes went to my friends' houses to play video games, but it was not so fun because the friends were much better. When I was a college student, Biohazard was released. I bought PlayStation myself to play it. The time came when my dream came true, but probably it was too late. I didn't get into it. -
Won “Best of the Best” of the Red Dot Design Award!
Japan has more than 6000 high schools, about 4000 of which have a baseball team. Every summer, there's a championship to decide the best team in Japan. Many people get excited, and fortunes are moved. On the other hand, people called a man with good sense raise voices against the trend, like "Don't prey on the innocent effort of high school kids." To be honest, I doubt if high school kids are such innocent, though. -
How to Turn Customer Complaints into Loyalty Boosters
【Customer complaints are going to sell】 Why is there no lamp in the freezer compartment of a fridge? Suitcase wheels should be replaceable! I believe you have this kind of small complaints a lot in your daily life. Most of them are too... -
Why Do Male Peacocks Have Colorful Feathers?
Why do the colorful feathers of male peacocks attract female peacocks? Some people may accept the simple explanation: "Because they are beautiful," but I never did. In all through my school days from primary to university, I was an enthu... -
Hokkaido Acorn Trees (Oak) Make Good Japanese Whisky and Furniture
Do you know what we used as a point of reference to find stag beetles gather? It's acorns. Yes, it's oak trees where stag beetles are gathered. In Hokkaido, there are many oak trees, and they grow not only stag beetles but also the industry of whisky and furniture. -
The One Thing You’ve Been Missing to Survive in the Business World
【Do you think you say thank you enough?】 What about your thank you? My mother very often told me this when I was a kid. Even if it's minor stuff like asking to pass something on the table and forgetting to say thank you, she was naggin... -
Why Asahiyama Zoo Is a Must-Visit in Hokkaido
In the early 90's when I was a kid, the zoo was so boring and a little creepy. It was like a horror movie scene of Stephen King: there were few people; animals were deathly still; old and rusty attractions made a squeak (in the amusement area in the zoo). In 1995, the zoo took the first step to the great comeback by the inauguration of a new director.