Marketing Tips– category –
What Is More Important Than Efficiency in the Marketing
Let's enjoy doing something inefficiently. What we will see after seeking efficiency is the world where humans are not necessary. The direct marketing is not good in efficiency and takes longer before bearing fruits, but it more than makes up for such disadvantages. We can communicate closely with customers, and it must be fun. -
Which Is Better, a Generalist or Specialist?
Malcolm Gladwell has written we must spend at least 10,000 hours to become a true master of any skill. It seems almost impossible for a generalist to aim for a specialist from today. Can we (generalists) escape this certain death? -
Why Memories Are Always More Beautiful Than Reality
Do you know how our memories are glorified? That is very simple: we make minor changes every time recalling memories. We recall good memories more frequently because feeling good. Consequently, good memories change more and better. That makes sense but is just boring, and so, let me share my own theory. -
Why Listening is More Important Than Talking
All the people have their own good stories, and it's listeners' responsibility to draw them out. What I'm scared of about this issue is we can never recognize our mistakes, though the responsibility is huge. If there're no good listeners, people just hold their tongue and carry good stories together to their graves. -
What Is a Home? Where Is Your Home?
【The definition of a home】 Where are you from? Because of my work (overseas sales), I've exchanged this question many times with many people around the world. There have been many people living outside their countries of origin. Some o... -
Myths About Efficiency and Rationalization You Probably Still Believe
【All the cities become similar to each other】 Before the COVID, I traveled around the world. When it was best in efficiency but worst in working environment, I visited five countries in a week. Such hasty trips got me disoriented. For ... -
Do You Know Zappos? A Great Lesson Learned from Their Business
【The customer-obsession policy of Zappos creates many loyal customers】 The other day, right after passing through the cashier of a supermarket, a pack of eggs slipped from my shopping basket and fell to the floor. In that moment, every... -
The Truth of Consumer Behavior: Love It or Not Rather Than Good or Bad
【MBA frameworks are no longer sufficient】 AIDMA, PDCA, SWOT, PEST, 3C, 4P, STP, KGI, KPI, etc. I was so excited when learning these business frameworks in an MBA course more than 10 years ago. I naively believed I had gotten a key to t... -
The Wisdom in Adapting: Why We Shouldn’t Fear Change
What feels psychological pleasure is our ego. It is designed flexible to maintain various human relationships. Consequently, our evaluation criteria in beauty are likely to change. Now people's evaluation criteria in beauty have changed due to environmental consciousness, and so, I hope you will like our furniture made of wood with natural characters as shown in the image of this article. -
Great Expectations Are Hope That the Sun Also Rises
【The wane of the king TOYOTA】 Elon Musk started TESLA in 2003. Only 17 years from then, he finally snatched the world top position from TOYOTA in the total market value. The news made me feel the big change of the times and also someho...